About EarHugger®

The world leader in durable radio accessories

About EarHugger®

EarHugger® is the world leader in durable radio accessories.

Our beginning, in 1995, came as the result of a problem. Officer Ryan King responded to a call that almost ended in tragedy instead of the arrest of a wanted criminal. When the suspect overheard the radio communication between Officer King and dispatch about the suspect’s outstanding warrants, he attacked Officer King.

Shortly after this incident Officer King added a headphone jack to his speaker microphone, silencing his radio’s speaker to everyone but him. Within 5 years of introducing this innovative design, nearly every speaker microphone in the world incorporated a headphone jack, allowing for private and safe communication.

Over the years, EarHugger has introduced numerous additional innovations to the radio accessories market. From very humble beginnings, EarHugger has grown to become the world leader in durable radio accessories – serving public safety, military, security, hospitality, retail, construction and entertainment professionals worldwide.

After 22 years, our commitment to improve the lives of our customers remains as strong as ever. We continue to develop and innovate with our customers in mind.

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